Terms And Conditions
for www.innohum.de: innovation marketing - called "Innohum" in the following -
The reference is written in brackets behind each statement (customer, partner or both).
1.1 Innohum has put its main objective in serving the society through innovation marketing. (both)
1.2 The innovation marketing through Innohum is a commercial branch of ATEL Dipl.-Ing. Norbert Kailan situated in Germany. Innohum paused its activities for the moment, because of missing business volume. With Innohum we mean the owner of the internet pages www.innohum.de. (both)
1.3 These Terms and conditions are a legal agreement between any customer or partner and Innohum. They (the contents and the meaning of the German version) are binding upon any kind of business with Innohum. (both)
1.4 Generally everybody can offer ideas for sale through this internet platform. The presentation and the selling is performed by Innohum. The rights concerning these ideas remain at the owner or are (partially) transfered to the customer. Innohum holds the rights just referring to own offers. (partner)
1.5 There is no obligation for Innohum to accept, publish or sell any idea or offer. Innohum offers no warranty for the sale of the product ideas and other offers published through www.innohum.de. (partner)
1.6 For the marketing of an idea through Innohum one has to reveal at least sufficient information for making it possible to classify the offer refering to customer advantage and market. Innohum warrants that no information will be forwarded to any other party except to the customer, in a measure corresponding to the business. (partner)
1.7 For the marketing of an idea through Innohum will be made a written contract. (partner)
1.8 All business with Innohum is based on these terms and conditions (see 1.3). No contradictory terms or conditions of the partners or customers of Innohum are accepted. (both)
2.1 All the offers from Innohum are subject to confirmation and not binding. An order is accepted through written confirmation (email or letter). (customer)
2.2 Oral agreements or deals are not valid. (both)
There is no obligation for additionally services to the obligations as seller and contractual partner, like advisory service or planning. Such services
are performed voluntarily or against extra pay. (both)
Innohum is willing to mediate between customers and / or partners, when this is not against the business of Innohum. There is no obligation for such activities.
The amounts are allocated to the corresponding offers on the innohum homepage and have to be forwarded as is. Delivery is possible just upon entry. The acknowledgement of the order serves together with the payment evidence as warranty for the delivery. (customer)
2.6 The amounts Innohum owns to the owners of the ideas in case of success (selling) are stipulated in a contract. (partner)
When buing the "Detailed Description" the customer accepts, that from his personal data (address), the company, the name, the email address and the telefone number will be forwarded to the buyer of "All Rights". Before transaction the customer will be informed again about this matter. (customer)
We inform our customers that we will treat their personal data in conformity with German law. The agreement from 3.1 remains untouched. (customer)
We inform our partners that we will treat their personal data in conformity with German law and that we will respect all agreements from the written contract.
4.1 We deliver upon entry of the corresponding amount. (customer)
4.2 The deadlines and time limits named by Innohum are not binding, except it was explicitly different stipulated. All time limits start upon entry of the corresponding amount. (both)
4.3 Upon shipment all perils are transfered to the partner or customer. (both)
4.4 If Innohum is not able to hold binding time limits or falls behind, the contractual partner may claim a compensation of 0.5% for each week, in total maximum up to 5% of the affected contract value. Additional compensation may be claimed just in case of culpable negligence. (both)
4.5 Innohum may not be made liable if the delay was not caused by Innohum, but for example by contractual partners of Innohum. (both)
4.6 In case of success (selling) the stipulated amount will be forwarded to the owner of the idea / improvement as soon as possible after reception of the corresponding amount from the customer and after the delivery from the partner to the customer direct or through Innohum. Innohum is oblidged to inform the owner of the idea / improvement immediatly.(partner)
4.7 After notification the owner of the idea / improvement delivers the corresponding documents in a sealed envelope to the customer direct or through Innohum. From this moment starting the owner has the right to claim the stipulated amount. This amount may be fixed in the contract just for the positions "Detailed Description" or "All rights". He has the obligation to deliver the corresponding documents.(partner)
Payment and delivery for additional services or agreements will be fixed in a written contract. This contract may not contradict these Terms And Conditions in no statement.(both)
5.1 The customer may not claim compensation for no cause in law, especially not for any forbidden operations, infringement of duties or obligations. This is not valid in case of stipulated assumption of a guarantee or risk. This is further not valid in case of culpable negligence or infringement of essential stipulated obligations. In any case the compensation amount is limited to the affected contract value.(customer)
5.2 For damage caused by implementation or application of the selled ideas or improvements, neither Innohum nor the owners of theses ideas / improvements can be made liable.(customer)
5.3 Innohum may not be made liable for the 100% - availability of the domain www.innohum.de on the internet. We aspire to a continuous availability. (both)
5.4 The information on www.innohum.de is updated regularly. Innohum may not be made liable and cannot guarantee for the completeness, correctness and timeliness of the contents on www.innohum.de. Innohum may not be made liable neither for the topicality of the links nor for the contents of the websites they are leading to. (both)
5.5 Innohum may not be made liable for damage caused from abuse or other usage of the forwarded documents by the customer or others.(partner)
5.6 Innohum does not guarantee and may not be made liable for the usefullness, completeness, novelty and operability of the delivered innovations and improvements. But we have verified all offers and are convinced of an advantage for customer and market. (customer)
5.7 Any kind of warranty is limited to (except 5.9) the replacement (for example, title does not fit to contents, etc.).(customer)
5.8 The warranty from 5.1 and 5.7 will be claimed from the contractual partner if he is responsible for the given matter. (partner)
5.9 When the owner does not keep his observance of secrecy in case of selling "All Rights" about an innovation, the difference in amounts between "All Rights" and "Detailed Description" will be refundet to the customer. The customer will address with any additional claimings direct to the owner. Innohum can further not be made liable for this matter. Innohum is not oblidged to pay the above mentioned amount to the customer, if the owner does not want to pay the corresponding amount to Innohum and if a law court decides, that the available argumentation is not sufficient to oblidge the owner to pay this amount to Innohum. Innohum may wait with the payment for the above mentioned decision. (both)
6.1 Valid for any privity of contract is the law of the Federal Republic Of Germany (where the company is situated). (both)
6.2 Place of fulfilment for all services and performances is the business location of Innohum.(both)
6.3 Location for all legal disputes is the business location of Innohum. (both)
6.4 Oral additional agreements between the contractual partners are not accepted. Subsequent amendments or changings to these Terms And Conditions need the written form. An oral disclaimer to the written form is excluded.(both)
6.5 Should one or several from these or additionaly based upon these terms and conditions be or become not applicable or not valid, or should emerge a vacancy, the validity of the others remains untouched. An acceptable, adequate statement should be made for replacing the not valid one or to fill in the blank, which follows the meaning and intention of these terms and conditions. (both)
Updated: 15 June 2007 (no relevant change since 7 Nov. 2004)
Actualisation 20/10/2010: Innohum is not active any more.